She stood her ground and so did he. They are warriors of a different kind. In the days of war (I can only imagine), facing an unknown opponent, you have no idea what their strengths or weaknesses are. Nor, do you know, what tactical moves they will use to...
Articles with the Tag Invisible illness
Let your body be your guide!
This condition has taught me to be, not only resilient, but also resourceful. The things I’ve had to do and endure, over these last few years, cause me to feel both anger and admiration (amongst other things). As a result, it forces you to figure things out for yourself!...
Brain surgery cost is ridiculous. This is why.
This post is more about the total cost involved with care, treatment, surgery and overall recovery. I would go so far as to say; aside from the financial cost, there’s an impact on ones mental, physical and emotional state as well. And, under the right circumstances, can have the...
When there’s a “kink” in the armour….
Shunts, a bone of contention for many people diagnosed with Hydrocephalus. I would almost go so far as to say there’s a divide on the feeling towards this “lifesaving” device. Not everyone feels the love when it comes to them, but we all know that without them, things would...
Will you help get the conversation started..?
We Endure because we have to. We find ways to cope, survive and get through by being Resourceful. We gain Strength through and from it all, not by choice but, because there is none… People say: “You shouldn’t let your circumstances define you…” Hmmm…I say, there are times when...
Ever feel like you’re falling apart…literally?
I feel like I’m being “chipped” away piece by piece. Apparently some body parts you can live without, who knew? Some surgeries improve things and others bring more complications than you bargained for. This has been a consistent (almost rebellious) communication from the doctors I’ve spoken with over these...
Onwards and upwards!
If life has taught me anything, and more specifically Hydrocephalus, it’s that you simply cannot give up. You can get tired of the fight, yes (repeatedly!). You can take a break, for however long you choose. Ok, realistically…for as long as Hydrocephalus gives you a pass…but I think you...
What would you do?
O for “Oh no!”, “Onward and upward”, “Over it!”? Whatever it is, that’s where I’m at. Moving on should get easier, especially after consulting with so many specialists but… It’s as trying now as it was when I first started out! 3 countries later and I appear to either...
Forget you have it…
Realistically, on a scale of 1 to 10, how easy would it be to forget you have an incurable condition? More specifically, Hydrocephalus. I’ll admit, there are days where my memory issues come in handy in this regard. To carry on with life, as if nothing is wrong, is...
The devil is in the detail
Have you ever had a consult with a specialist for Hydrocephalus and walked away feeling like they simply didn’t listen? Or, maybe you read their report after your consult, and think: “Thats not what I said!”, feeling deflated by the same token. If you have, you are not alone!...