It seems common for people to (incorrectly) assume that brain injury, causing cognitive impairment, is the same as intellectual disability. The extent of the injury will be dependent on the location of injury. In saying this, I do not presume to speak for the next person with a brain...
Articles with the Tag Memory
Hydrocephalus: The memories we retain (or forget) aren’t by choice…
With memory issues being a challenge on any given day, a side effect of Hydrocephalus and the subsequent brain surgeries, it’s a pity we don’t get to choose which ones we retain or forget. (Don’t get me wrong, ageing definitely plays a part in it too but remember, this...
Brain surgery equates brain injury IMO
Anything which harms or penetrates the physical matter inside your head would constitute as a cause of brain injury. It can be caused by blunt force trauma to the head, something which doesn’t physically touch the brain itself but a blow to the head, hard enough to cause damage. ...
What have you lost through brain surgery..?
Surgery, especially brain surgery, has always left me feeling extreme depression afterwards. It’s not something I can pinpoint (when trying to find a reason for the way I’m feeling) or even recognise when it hits me at first. I’ve often wondered if the anaesthetic has something to do with...
Hydrocephalus : What’s your medicine routine?
I hate taking medication but more importantly, I hate that I have to REMEMBER to take it. My memory is terrible, as is the case with most people who have Hydrocephalus and brain surgery. It’s not the same as “Oh, I’m getting old and can’t remember stuff anymore”. This...
Hydrocephalus: What’s the silliest thing you’ve had to remind yourself of?
Living in a family unit where the majority of the members are male, has proven to be quite tricky. My eldest son is now at an age and physical build where he quite comfortably fits into my husbands Tshirts and even underwear. Hence the quarrels that ensue (because the...
Hydrocephalus: “Remind me tomorrow”
3 little words that have managed to evoke some anxiety and borderline fear when uttered by someone else, to me. At the beginning of my Hydro journey and first brain operation, I wouldn’t face the fact that I have a memory issue. This was probably because I convinced myself...
A glimmer of hope in a long lost memory
6 years ago, I had 3 brain operations over a 3 day period. I can’t remember much about that time but last night, (the night before the first operation) I had a flashback. I could literally feel, hear and smell my surroundings. I saw myself lying on the bed...
Quality of life…how do you define that?
A few months ago, during a consultation with a Neurosurgeon, I was asked if my Hydrocephalus was affecting my quality of life. I got the impression that if my answer to this question was “Yes” I might have been facing surgery. I hadn’t been asked this before so it...
Cognitive whirlpool
I can’t clearly remember when the first time was that I noticed the cognitive challenges I was facing. In fact, most people around me seemed to dumb it down or just plain dismiss the very notion from the start. I know I had memory issues especially after my first...