Parents, You are the example your child will live by in time to come. I know for a fact that I don’t need to be telling you just how scary it is not knowing if something is wrong. You’ve been there/are there and know exactly how torturous it is....
Hydrocephalus Voice
Hydrocephalus : Where do you find help for your child in the education system?
Any parent of a child with Hydrocephalus knows that the condition renders certain challenges and difficulties (Saying that feels like an understatement). It’s a journey of discovery with many unknowns and scary pathways. No one person with Hydrocephalus is the same as the next, despite having the same condition. We...
How do you know that your baby is unwell?
A question you will be able to answer…in time. It’s not going to be easy to get to that point but get there, you will. I also know that it’s not easy seeing your child in agony or pain. I wish that on no parent, however, it might just...
Hydrocephalus : Some scary situations are better faced with someone else walking the journey alongside you.
The arrival of a new baby, a new member of your family, is one of the most exciting times in a new mother/father’s life. I remember when I was pregnant. There was one constant prayer for each one of my children from the time of knowing of their existence....
Let’s make a difference to the Hydro world…
With all my blog posts on Hydrocephalus, I’ve been contacted by a few people who either have the condition themselves or someone they love has it, more specifically…babies/children. This got me thinking…We all seem to ask the same questions and go through the same emotions, even though our bodies...