Have you ever had a consult with a specialist for Hydrocephalus and walked away feeling like they simply didn’t listen? Or, maybe you read their report after your consult, and think: “Thats not what I said!”, feeling deflated by the same token. If you have, you are not alone!...
Articles with the Tag Hydrocephalus Challenges
Hydrocephalus : The effects run deeper than just physical pain…
It’s been 9 years since I last had brain surgery, excluding the ICP monitoring I had a few months back. I feel fortunate, for lack of a better word, compared to others who endure more harrowing times. The moments in-between where I questioned and wondered if what I was...
Let’s make a difference to the Hydro world…
With all my blog posts on Hydrocephalus, I’ve been contacted by a few people who either have the condition themselves or someone they love has it, more specifically…babies/children. This got me thinking…We all seem to ask the same questions and go through the same emotions, even though our bodies...