***TRIGGER WARNING: This post touches on suicidal thoughts and death*** When you sustain a brain injury, in the prime of your life, things change in an instant. It hits harder still if you’re a high functioning person, independent and always doing everything for everyone else. Nothing can prepare you...
Articles with the Tag Trust
Hydrocephalus : What happened to the oath doctors take to help their patients?
The cost of medical care as mentioned in a previous post is just ridiculous. I’m not going to talk this point to death but I do feel that there is room for discussion. At my last consult, after being told off, I sort of lost track of the conversation as...
Hydrocephalus: Are you waiting for the other shoe to drop?
Yesterday morning, a “weird” nagging feeling at the bottom of my head woke me from my sleep. Immediately opening my eyes, the first thought that struck my mind was “What the heck is that?“. A nanosecond later, I wondered if it was my ETV, especially since I pictured the location...
It’s a matter of trust…
There’s a certain level of trust I need before I (literally) let someone mess with my head. Some of the surgeons I’ve consulted with since diagnosis have definitely contributed to the realization of this. When I was diagnosed in 2007, I never knew the surgeon who operated on me...