Part 1 of 2 That’s rhetorical! However, my question is sincere and this is why… Having hydrocephalus and enduring brain surgery (repeatedly) takes a toll on you. We never really know what the effects will be. Symptoms, surgery and recovery, may differ with each operation, per person. For those...
Articles with the Tag ETV
Let your body be your guide!
This condition has taught me to be, not only resilient, but also resourceful. The things I’ve had to do and endure, over these last few years, cause me to feel both anger and admiration (amongst other things). As a result, it forces you to figure things out for yourself!...
Does the world turn its back on you, once you’re diagnosed with an incurable condition..?
I know not everyone will agree with this post, and I’m OK with that. But, I’d like to believe that some of what I have to say, will resonate with people who have actually experienced it. For those who have, I hope this gives you a voice… My humble...
Brain surgery cost is ridiculous. This is why.
This post is more about the total cost involved with care, treatment, surgery and overall recovery. I would go so far as to say; aside from the financial cost, there’s an impact on ones mental, physical and emotional state as well. And, under the right circumstances, can have the...
Hydrocephalus: Vision loss is scary and Migraines suck!
My central vision blacked out on Christmas Eve, while working, sending me into a bit of a panic. People’s faces were reduced to half an image and text was darn near impossible to read! I smiled at the receptionist on my way out of the office, whilst freaking out...
Hydrocephalus: Another year without brain surgery…Woo Hoo!
8 years today exactly…that’s how long it’s been since my last brain surgery. 3 operations over 3 days (5 and a half months pregnant) and yet, here I am, writing this post. 8 years since I had my emergency ETV (having surpassed the 5-year mark the surgeon told me,...
Hydrocephalus: Being around people who understand the language you’re speaking
As a person living with Hydrocephalus, be it yourself or someone close to you affected by this condition, it’s easy enough to understand the medical terminology. Well, at least better than anyone who is just an “acquaintance” of this condition. I remember when I was first diagnosed and heard...
Hydrocephalus : Making sense of it all
When I was 15 years old, I contracted viral meningitis – I was in my last year at school and this was just before my last exam. 7 years later, I contracted it again – nearly 3 months after giving birth to my eldest son and before going back...
Hydrocephalus : Passing an ETV post op hurdle
2 December marks my 7 year post op hurdle. I’ve done it…defied the odds! (She says optimistically). I was told after my operation, that the ETV could close and it normally happens within 5 years. Whether I’ve come to the end of the track or am charging ahead toward...
Hydrocephalus: “Mind over Matter”
There’s a little well-known phrase I’ve come to adopt of late, “Mind over matter“. My late grandfather used this quite a bit when he was still alive. He died from lung cancer about 8 months after diagnosis. The day he died, I was at his bedside but didn’t realise...