***TRIGGER WARNING: This post touches on suicidal thoughts and death*** When you sustain a brain injury, in the prime of your life, things change in an instant. It hits harder still if you’re a high functioning person, independent and always doing everything for everyone else. Nothing can prepare you...
Articles with the Tag Compassion
Gert Tollesson, “saved my life and…my sanity!”
Gert Tollesson, aka Dr “O”, is the 15th specialist I’ve consulted with regarding my Hydrocephalus. Most of you, who follow my blog, will know the uphill battle I’ve had to climb to finally get to him! And, thank God I have!!! Words I would use to describe him: Kind,...
Looking after your mental health
Mental health challenges, are nothing to scoff at. I do believe that most people experience something (or even a few) that adversely them, at one point or another. I’m not ashamed to say I have my fair share of ups and downs. It’s never easy to deal with and,...
Hydrocephalus: Human being on the table…
Last week I binge watched Lenox Hill, a documentary, currently playing on Netflix. Not everyone has the stomach for watching brain surgery or women giving birth. So, if you’re squeamish, don’t watch it. Me on the other hand, I find it interesting…brain surgery, that is. For some reason, I...
Hydrocephalus : Some of us don’t realise how lucky we really are…
How many brain surgeries have you had due to Hydrocephalus? Some have had a few (2..maybe even 1) others, too many to mention. Personally, I would never dream of telling the next person that they’re lying when they say they’ve had in excess of 100 brain operations. As unbelievable...
Do you ever find yourself in this situation..?
It seriously pisses me off! Sorry for my language but I’m feeling so frustrated not only right now, but for all the other times before. And, all the times I know are still to come. I’ve explained on so many occasions that I’m not good with directions and having...
I’m a member of the Hydrocephalus family…Never Alone
Family. What defines it? Because of all the support groups for Hydrocephalus, I belong to and through my blog, I incorporated the phrase at the top of today’s post in my Hydro Logo. Nothing brings it home more just how big and affected this family is when one of...
Hydrocephalus : What’s your 2018 going to be like?
With every new year comes a wave of resolutions. We set out goals which, we hope to achieve or attain. Some we succeed at, some fail as soon as they begin and others…well, let’s just say we manage to take detours that sometimes leave us pondering. This new year,...
How do you tell your boss that you have Hydrocephalus : Present
My past experience has been somewhat different from where I am now. It almost feels like it could be worlds apart…in fact, that’s exactly where it’s at. Better..? Or worse..? Hmmm.. I left my home country, a few years after diagnosis, shunt surgery and eventual ETV, in search of...
How do you tell your boss, that you have Hydrocephalus? 3-part post
Past When I was first diagnosed, at age 29, I was a full-time employee. Therefore, my manager at the time was with me from the start of my Hydro journey. I remember clearly when I got the results from my CT scan and what happened after discussing the findings...