We are caught between a rock and a hard place with this condition, WANTING and NEEDING help to make the pain go away but, NOT wanting to endure MORE brain surgery. The irony does not escape me..! It’s not an easy thing to go through, by any stretch of...
Articles with the Tag #BrainSurgery
Acceptance and understanding go hand-in-hand
So much of what we face in life we have no control over. Some things we can change or simply eradicate from our lives. (That goes for some people too). But, sometimes there aren’t choices given with the challenges we have to endure. The only choice we get, is...
There’s so much more going on beneath the surface than you realise!
An iceberg seems appropriate for this post and, the sinking of the Titanic, is a perfect example of not realising the full extent of what lurks beneath the surface, hence the image I chose to use. IMHO! The unseen can sometimes cause more damage than what’s apparent to the...
Hydrocephalus…It’s complicated.
You know when someone, on your friends list, updates their relationship status online to, “it’s complicated”? Generally, most people frown, but understand, and accept this for what it is. No explanation or definition, of what it means, required. The same can he said for this condition. At it’s very...
Hydrocephalus: The heavy burden of being the main breadwinner despite living with an incurable condition…
A condition like Hydrocephalus casts some of its own burdensome moments on the person diagnosed with it, amongst other things. It’s unpredictable nature, leaves nothing to be desired. The burden wears heavy and so too does the responsibility of it all, like: Having to support your entire family –...
Hydrocephalus: Rooting for Roona
Something that many with Hydrocephalus cannot believe, and rightly so is, how few people know about it. Some have never heard of it and, even in the medical profession, this is the case. I have found myself in many situations where I’ve had to simplify an explanation for someone...
Hydrocephalus: When you realise you simply can’t “fix” it!
Disclaimer: This is not a post to influence anyone else, nor should it be used as medical advice or guidance. I have an inherent nature to try and fix things. It doesn’t matter what it is; my situation, someone else’s problems or just the world in general (I know,...
Hydrocephalus: Being sent from a Neurosurgeon (NS) to a Neurologist.
A Neurologist focuses mainly on treating you with medication to control your symptoms. A NS is like a plumber, they fix the leaky/broken pipe (shunt) or reopen the blocked/partially blocked hole (ETV). Understanding the condition you have, is the first step to knowing what you need. For some, their...
Hydrocephalus: Know, Understand…Appreciate!
I have Hydrocephalus and have had brain surgery to treat it, 5 thus far. But.., this doesn’t mean anything in the grand scheme of the condition. Too many people across the world have had more brain surgeries because of it, which is also the number one reason for brain surgery in children (some...