Despite hearing my surgeon speak, providing medical information, sound no longer filtered through my eardrum. After some time (I’m not sure how long), I drifted slowly back to the sound of his voice. I heard Dr Tollesson half thinking out loud; “How do you get a patient not to...
Articles with the Tag Attitude
Hydrocephalus: Some food for thought…
I can be angry that life dealt me the Hydro card. I can curse everything under, around or above the sun…but, it won’t make a difference. 29 years old and living a reasonably sheltered life (as far as this condition goes), that’s the reality I faced before I read...
Hydrocephalus: Some conversations aren’t worth having…
Is it really worth having a conversation with someone who doesn’t understand what Hydrocephalus is all about? (I’m not talking about Awareness or education because that will always be worth it). Someone who doesn’t get that this is a serious condition, requiring immediate action, in some cases? Someone who...
Hydrocephalus : Some of us don’t realise how lucky we really are…
How many brain surgeries have you had due to Hydrocephalus? Some have had a few (2..maybe even 1) others, too many to mention. Personally, I would never dream of telling the next person that they’re lying when they say they’ve had in excess of 100 brain operations. As unbelievable...
Hydrocephalus: Have you become complacent?
When you live with a condition like Hydrocephalus and, have the challenges that come with it, it’s easy to reach a level of complacency. However, the kind of challenges I’m talking about don’t include the physical but more the medical care (specifically the lack thereof). So many of us...
“The real core of being a survivor is continuing to survive”
Life doesn’t always afford us the choice of whether or not we’ll survive what it throws at us. Be it a challenge at work, life in general, family matters, ill health, etc. Some of us have a little more on our plates to deal with than others which is...
Hydrocephalus : What’s your weather triggers?
“Whether the weather be hot, whether the weather be cold, whether the weather, whatever the weather, whether you like it or not…” Anonymous A few years back, my family and I visited our relatives in Brisbane, Australia. It was extremely hot and the first week I suffered to the point where...
Hydrocephalus: Another year without brain surgery…Woo Hoo!
8 years today exactly…that’s how long it’s been since my last brain surgery. 3 operations over 3 days (5 and a half months pregnant) and yet, here I am, writing this post. 8 years since I had my emergency ETV (having surpassed the 5-year mark the surgeon told me,...
What do you do when you HAVE to be the strong one despite having Hydrocephalus?
Diagnosed at age 29, in full-time employment and a mother of 2 (now 3), I had no other choice but to be strong. The thing about being diagnosed with an invisible illness and going through 4 brain surgeries is that not even your own family gets it. They look...
Make time for yourself, your life and your loved ones
A few months ago, I read a post (Productivity Tip #2 – Schedule your time (and stick to it)), by my fellow blogger friend, Terence Brown of Help Grow Change After reading, I set a challenge before myself and decided I would give it a go…In doing so, I found...