Surgery..again! It’s just over 3 months since my repeat ETV (brain surgery #6). I stared at a similar photo to the one at the top of this post last week, in my Endocrine surgeon’s waiting room. Having just had a consult with him and agreeing to go ahead with...
When Life Happens…
Do we depend on doctors too much?
This is a bit of a tough one for me and admittedly a double-edged sword. I tend to want to see the good in someone regardless of the wrong they do (within reason). More so, I remind myself to give people the benefit of the doubt, should the situation...
Critical illness and disease : The effect of words
Words have the potential to do so much with very little to no effort. I suppose for me it started with the words Hydrocephalus and Brain surgery. My latest diagnoses of Hyperthyroidism comes with the “possibility” of, Heart failure and Cancer. These words somehow have been the cause of much anxiety,...
Hydrocephalus…meet Hyperthyroidism
A few years ago, I went to listen to a motivational speaker called Robin Banks. At the time, I was severely depressed due to some major life changes and, in need of some extraordinary mind TLC. “How fascinating..!” are just two words in reaction, I learnt at the time, to...
When you’ve just got to keep on going forward
How much of what life throws at you, don’t you find yourself just wishing you could fling right back? How many times have you felt like enough is enough? How often have you felt like a complete and utter failure? Well…I want to tell you to STOP! Sure,...
When your parents become like children
Something I’ve always heard but not really paid much attention to is that as your parents become older, they become more child-like. I look at my own grandmother as an example. A strong woman in her younger days. I have a much better opinion regarding her ageing process (the...
“Make time for yourself, your life and your loved ones”…challenging to say the least
How easy this is to say but I find it increasingly difficult to do. A secretary at my former company used to tell me that I need to slow down. She shared how her mum always told her that if she didn’t, God would find a way to make...
To my friend who has just been told she has 3 months to live because she has stage 4 ovarian Cancer
“I’m sorry…” seems to be the first words that come to mind. Sorry for so many things because somehow, I just feel this is wrong and unfair. Sorry because you were a little girl that I knew once upon a time, a girl whom I envied and loved because...
Have you ever been told not to dwell on the past?
I wonder how this fits into the equation of dealing with issues from the past for mental healing. I get that there’s nothing you can do about what happened in the past…it’s self-explanatory. But, how should one deal with anything negative, torturous or heartbreaking, etc. to move on, without...
Marriage is overrated
We fall in love… Promises are made… A lifetime of happiness we imagine together as we are governed by a heart filled to the brim. Life happens and 2 become 3, sometimes 4 or even 5. In between all of that, feelings change as the illusion of it all...